Gamification is the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring,
competition with others, rules of play) to other areas of activity.
At VC4U, we love games and we understand the effectiveness of games in training.
The following are the few games we play during our training.
Answer Question game:
In this game, a participant will say an answer and the next participant will have to say
the question. This game is very flexible as there is lot of scope for saying the questions
which suits the answer. This game picks up speed as the participants start saying the
'answer' creatively. Since the answer is told first and then the question, generally coming
up with answer takes time.
Inter group Quiz game:
In this game, the participants are divided into groups. One group will ask a question to
the another group. The other group has to answer within the stipulated time. The groups
takes turn in asking the questions. This is played in 2 modes Open book and Closed book.
In Open book mode, both the question group and the answering group may use the books
provided as part of the training. The ground rules are generally framed by the groups.
Crosswords are a different learning tools. They are tests with clues replacing the
questions and the hint of number of characters for the answers.
The crosswords listed in the below post are used.
PMP®/CAPM® Process game:
This was detailed out in one of our earlier posts. The link is given below.
Online games:
We use which provide various gaming options like Flash card mode, Learn
mode, Scatter mode. Especially for learning the ITTO (Inputs,Tools & Techniques,
Output) this kind of game is very useful as it helps in learning the ITTO in an intuitive
way. It helps the participants in learning the unknown through the known.
Rita Process Game:
This is a game of mapping the process to the correct Process Group. In most cases the
direct process description is given instead of the process name itself. This lets the think
about what is done in the process and map it to the Process Group.
Write about gamification, you can't miss the PMChallenge quiz of the Membership is free. They have 1000s of questions related to PMP. You earn badges based on the number of questions you answer correctly like Brain, Einstein, Rocket Surgeon etc. The quiz motivates you as you keep giving correct answers continuously and it is also soft on your wrong answers. The questions are not like real exam questions mostly. This quiz is useful to evaluate your knowledge on PMP in a pure academic style.
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