There are 4 activity dependencies Finish to Start (FS), Start to Start (SS), Finish to Finish (FF), Start to Finish (SF). Refer the above picture to understand the below explanations.
If there is FS dependency between 2 activities A and B, then B will start after A is finished.
e.g. Foundation and then walls.
You finished reading the previous line and start reading this line.
If there is SS dependency between 2 activities A and B, then B will start after A has started.
e.g. Cleaning the wall and Painting the wall. You start cleaning the wall and start painting at the same time. These are parallel activities.
When you started reading this dependency, you started visualizing it in your mind.
When you started reading this dependency, you started visualizing it in your mind.
If there is FF dependency between 2 activities A and B,then B will finish after A has finished.
e.g.Cleaning the wall and Painting the wall. You can't finish painting till you finish cleaning.
You finished visualizing this dependency once you finished reading about it.
If there is SF dependency between 2 activities A and B,then B will finish after A has started.
e.g.You will finish reading this post, only when you start getting the whole picture.
This is a rare dependency in projects.
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