"“A clay pot sitting in the sun will always be a clay pot. It has to go through the white heat of the furnace to become porcelain.” - Mildred Struven

PMP®:ACP®:CAPM®- Exam preparation - Best Practices & Lessons Learnt

pmp acp capm best practices and lessons learnt

Are you preparing for the PMP® or PMI-ACP® or CAPM®? These best practices and lessons learnt will help you during the prep duration and during the exam.

Best Practices
Prepare with a study group !
While learning the concepts relate them with your project experience.
Keep taking notes as you study. They will be handy to refresh quickly later.
Develop a preparation plan and follow that.
Be consistent in your preparation. Use Kaizen (continuous improvement). 
Practice lot of questions from multiple sources. 
Analyse each wrong answer and learn the right answer. Do a Root Cause Analysis for the wrong answer.
Have a strategic plan for answering the questions e.g. PMP - 50 questions every one hour. Practice brain dump regularly. 

Lessons Learnt
Not having a preparation plan. 
Not following the preparation plan.
Thinking exam will be easy.
Preparing for just few days. 
Studying well but not taking practice tests.


Best Practices
Visit the exam center before the exam day. 
Choose a morning slot for the exam. You'll be fresh !
Have a good sleep the previous night.
Have a stomach full breakfast/lunch depends on your exam schedule! 
Take confidence with you to the exam center.
Reach early at least an hour before and settle comfortably.
Write the brain dump!
Stick to your strategic plan and maintain the constant speed.  
Don't spend more than a minute for a question. If it takes more than a minute, mark it for review and revisit later. 
Take breaks as needed which will refresh your mind.

Lessons Learnt
Reaching exam center on time which creates a panic situation.
Unaware of brain dump or Not writing brain dump.Nothing to refer if formula is forgotten.
Spending too much time on few questions.

We are sure these best practices and lessons learnt will help your goal in passing the PMP® or PMI-ACP® or CAPM® exams. Please feel free to share your suggestions to enhance them. All the very best !!

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