"“A clay pot sitting in the sun will always be a clay pot. It has to go through the white heat of the furnace to become porcelain.” - Mildred Struven

Cartoon : Project - Year 3015

This cartoon is about the Human,sorry Robot (?) Resource Management of a project in the year 3015. Though period is a millennium  from the present time, certain common things happening in the projects may not change. 

pmp-hr management

PMP®:CAPM® Terms - Word Art

pmp wordart

These are few of the PMP/CAPM terms in a pictorial form created in such a way that the pictures convey the meanings of such terms.

pmp-critical path

pmp-3 point estimation

pmp defect

pmp focus group

pmp  task types

pmp gantt chart

pmp incremental model

pmp iterative model

pmp lead lag

pmp milestone

pmp program

pmp progressive elaboration

pmp schedule

pmp project team

pmp reserve

pmp risk appettite

pmp risk trigger

pmp sponsor

pmp waterfall

pmp wbs
Suggestions are welcome from you to depict PMP/CAPM terms in a pictorial forms. 

Inspirational Quotes

inspirational quotes
These inspirational quotes will be updated periodically!

Steve Jobs

“That’s been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.”


"There are only two ways to live your life.One is as though nothing is a miracle.The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Swami Vivekanandha

"Arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached" 

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam

"Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep." 

Mark Twain

"A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read."

Mohammed Yunus

"If we are not achieving something, it is because we have not put our minds to it. We create what we want"

Michael Porter 

"The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do."

Napolean hill

"Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure"

Dr.James Dobson

"The same boiling water that hardens the egg,will soften the carrot.Everything depends on the individual's particular reaction to stressful circumstances" 

What are your inspirational quotes? Please add your favorite inspirational quotes in the comments. 

PMP®:ACP®:CAPM®- Exam preparation - Best Practices & Lessons Learnt

pmp acp capm best practices and lessons learnt

Are you preparing for the PMP® or PMI-ACP® or CAPM®? These best practices and lessons learnt will help you during the prep duration and during the exam.

Best Practices
Prepare with a study group !
While learning the concepts relate them with your project experience.
Keep taking notes as you study. They will be handy to refresh quickly later.
Develop a preparation plan and follow that.
Be consistent in your preparation. Use Kaizen (continuous improvement). 
Practice lot of questions from multiple sources. 
Analyse each wrong answer and learn the right answer. Do a Root Cause Analysis for the wrong answer.
Have a strategic plan for answering the questions e.g. PMP - 50 questions every one hour. Practice brain dump regularly. 

Lessons Learnt
Not having a preparation plan. 
Not following the preparation plan.
Thinking exam will be easy.
Preparing for just few days. 
Studying well but not taking practice tests.


Best Practices
Visit the exam center before the exam day. 
Choose a morning slot for the exam. You'll be fresh !
Have a good sleep the previous night.
Have a stomach full breakfast/lunch depends on your exam schedule! 
Take confidence with you to the exam center.
Reach early at least an hour before and settle comfortably.
Write the brain dump!
Stick to your strategic plan and maintain the constant speed.  
Don't spend more than a minute for a question. If it takes more than a minute, mark it for review and revisit later. 
Take breaks as needed which will refresh your mind.

Lessons Learnt
Reaching exam center on time which creates a panic situation.
Unaware of brain dump or Not writing brain dump.Nothing to refer if formula is forgotten.
Spending too much time on few questions.

We are sure these best practices and lessons learnt will help your goal in passing the PMP® or PMI-ACP® or CAPM® exams. Please feel free to share your suggestions to enhance them. All the very best !!

PMP®:CAPM® - Picture Puzzle 5

pmp picture puzzle

Identify the Project Management(PMP®/CAPM®) terms depicted by these pictures

Click on the picture to enlarge it !

Identify these Powers of Project Manager!
pmp powers of project manager

Highlight between brackets to see the answer:
Answer: (Powers of Project Manager. A - Penalty power, B - Referent  power, C - Reward power, 
D - Expert Power, E- Formal)
Identify these Conflict management methods!
pmp conflict management

Answer: (Conflict Management  Styles. A - Problem solving or Collaborating, B - Compromising or Reconcile, C - Smoothing or Accommodating, D - Withdrawing or Avoiding,, E - Directing or Forcing )
 Answer: (1-Consultative,2-Directing,3-Consensus,4-Coaching,5-Autocratic,6-Supporting,7-Facilitating )

Project Management Jokes

project management jokes

These are few of our favorite jokes mapped to the Project Management knowledge areas.
Technically we can't call them Project Management jokes. However these can be related to the Project Management which adds to the different dimension of fun.

Integration Management
*** A lion, a hyena and a fox hunted rabbits together. The lion asked the hyena to divide the kill.The hyena divided into three equal parts and told the lion to take one portion. The lion killed the hyena in one blow.The lion asked the fox to divide the rabbits. The fox put one rabbit on one side and all the rest on another side and told the lion to the bigger portion. The pleased lion told the fox "Good. From whom you lean to divide like that?".The fox showed the dead hyena.

Scope Management
Husband and wife had an argument over baby care. Wife insisted that husband should take half of the responsibility. Husband said "okay .I will take care of the upper half and you take care of the lower half."

Message :
No doubt he is her better half.

Time Management
*** Boss to a new joiner who came late at 10 a.m. - "You should have been here at 9'o clock!."
New joiner - (eagerly) "What happened? "

Cost Management
To celebrate their 25th wedding day, a couple went to a restaurant. Immediately after getting seated, husband asked wife, "Would you like to take one more Pizza?".Wife asked "We haven't started anything. Why do you say  'one more' Pizza? ".Husband replied "Immediately after our marriage, I took you to a restaurant. You had a Pizza then"
Message :For timing you count.For counting you may not see time

Quality Management
Process Oriented:
*** A friend comes to Mr.X's home.There was no power at that time there.The friend was pressing the calling bell.Mr.X saw his friend thru' the window and told "There's no power. You better knock the door"

HR Management
*** Interviewer asked the job applicant" How come your age is 35 and experience is 40 yrs.?". The response came "Overtime Sir !"

Roles & Responsibilities:
*** They sent a man and a chimpanzee in a rocket. Both of them were given an cover with instructions. On reaching the space station, the chimp opened its cover and started controlling complex knobs, set many parameters, ,wrote a big assembly language program and smiled at the man sitting relaxed. The man got angry and opened his cover and checked his instructions. It read," Feed the chimp regularly! "

*** It was a small project team. The team wanted to go for picnic and were asking the Project Manager for a long time. One day the PM took the team out for picnic in a van. After driving for sometime they reached a burial ground. The team was upset and asked "Is it a picnic spot?. The PM said " Do you think it's an ordinary place. You know people are dying to reach here"

Communication Management
*** A priest was giving a speech. John walked away in the middle of the speech. Once the speech was over John's wife met the priest. She told him ," I am sorry that my husband walked away in the middle of your speech. Hope you were not insulted by that".The priest said not a problem. John's wife added " He has the problem of sleep walking since he was a child"

*** Sales rep to a book buyer: "Sir , this book is a thriller. Only in the last page you will know the gardener is the killer"

*** A call comes to a police station." Sir, a thief has entered a house at no.12, Thompson avenue."
"Okay..Who is calling". "I am that thief.These guys are beating me without any gap"

Communicating right message at right time to right people always helps.

Varying Perceptions:
*** John: " I don't believe in astrology"
Jacob: "You may be like that as per your zodiac! "
*** Mother rat and child rat were chased by a cat.They escaped and entered their hole.As the cat approached the hole, the mother rat said "Bow wow". The cat ran away.The mother rat told the child rat ,
"See the use of second language!".

*** 3 guys were captured by enemies. Their enemies decided to hang them to death in a bridge over a flooding river. The first 2 guys fell in the river because the rope was tied loosely.They swam and escaped. When they tied the rope around the neck of the third guy he said "Pl. tie the rope tightly. I don't know swimming! "
It is sometimes better to be quiet than to speak the last words.

Risk Management
*** A prisoner caught an ant and started training it to speak.It picked up fast.Soon he trained it on many languages, arts like gymnastics, calligraphy, origami etc.He wanted to earn millions by showcasing the ant's talents.He was released soon.He went to a restaurant as he was hungry.He ordered for a juice and it was delivered.He couldn't control his excitement about his 'talented' ant.He placed the ant on the brim of the glass and told it to do gymnastics. He then called the waiter who was away.The waiter came near him.He told smiling, "Waiter see this ant!". The waiter immediately flicked the ant with his finger,crushed with the menu card and cleaned the table saying "Sorry Sir!".
Procurement Management

*** At a dress shop. Vendor - "One jeans is $10. Take two jeans and you pay $15. "
Buyer - "Take $5 and give me that second jeans"

Stakeholder Management
Customer: "Waiter, ! See here , there is a dead ant in the coffee"
Waiter looks the cup closely.
Waiter:: "Thank god Sir. The ant is alive"

Puzzle - Find these Hollywood Movie Projects !!

Movies are the results of Projects, created by a passionate team and enjoyed by the end users. 

Are you a movie buff? If yes, then take this challenge of identifying these Hollywood movies based on their title styles. 

Pl. click on the picture to enlarge it !!
find these hollywood movie projects
Answer clues and answers. To see the answers highlight between brackets:

  1. Friendly ghost (Casper)
  2. Not stone age (Ice Age)
  3. No peace among these celestial objects (Starwars)
  4. Meant for recreation but became a place for destruction (Jurassic Park)
  5. ...but we can't resist his offer (Godfather)
  6. 5 in Olympic symbol. head of them. (Lord of the rings)
  7. Unfortunately no one can be told what it is (The Matrix)
  8. Yellow blood + Blue blood (Predator)
  9. A change at the night of full moon day (UnderWorld
  10. That future day crossed recently (Back to the future)
  11. Abracadabra boy (Harry Potter)
  12. He'll love www (Spiderman)
  13. Stopper? (Terminator)
  14. Street to palace (Aladdin)
  15. But it didn't happen now (Apocalypse now)
  16. He is a city guy not a villager (Batman)
  17. Vehicles or androids (Transformers)
  18. A security program (Tron)
  19. They don't steal software! (Pirates of the Caribbean )
  20. Mawey, Na'viya ! Mawey! (Avatar)
  21. Sharp sprinter (Blade Runner)
  22. Green artificial faced (Mask)
  23. Super powered family (Incredibles)
  24. Seeing invisible (Sixth sense
  25. Tornado (Twister)
  26. Female archaeologist (Tomb Raider)
  27. Vampire hunter (Van Helsing)